Ex-minister Walter Mzembi explains why Mnangagwa fired Mutsvangwa

So many theories are being thrown around as to what may have led to Cde Chris Mutsvangwa’s abrupt dismissal by President Emmerson Mnangagwa. I proffer my own based on what led to his dismissal by Mugabe in 2016.

It’s simply that Chris is ungovernable and does not submit to the authority of anyone let alone the collectivity of Cabinet and the President. He is an all knowing man of many words who does not know when to mute himself.

On several occasions inside Cabinet in 2016, he would take on Mugabe to an embarrassing point where Mnangagwa himself then Vice President would be the only one able to silence him with the strongest rebuke and I quote his bellow;

“Chris, Chris I said shut up, shut up Chris, i am your Commander Chris I order you to shut up!”

At this point Chris would pack his Cabinet file and leave in a huff!

Mugabe believed in the superiority of ideas and would allow exhaustive debate on any item, but our brother Chris knowing it all, would roughshod over everyone at which point Mugabe would come in to exercise his authority as Chairman to restore order and decorum and the Minister of War Veterans would refuse to recognise that authority.

Disagreements were mainly around the agency he seemed to carry over Chinese Investments which would often blind his judgement.

Our Cabinet team had strong characters who could withstand and fight back, I wonder though whether the current pedigree of Ministers can withstand his bullish behaviour without seeking the protection of Mnangagwa, which may be the case here.

Mnangagwa himself left him out of his Cabinet line up in 2018 because he was minding this disharmony he would bring in his new team. He instead appointed him Special Advisor but even this would not cut. It was a gamble from the very beginning bringing him back into Cabinet.

Exploiting his parallel authority of Zanu PF Party Spokesman his last Press Conference last week was an intrusion into other Ministerial mandates and may have actually became his proverbial Waterloo.

Going further to declare his ambition in his soliloquy he sealed his fate on that day!

With his highly opinionated acerbic style of delivery clearly misrepresenting the collective he has been responsible for even how some of us have not found each other with our former Party.

No wonder across the board his dismissal has been popularly received and secretly celebrated inside Zanu PF ranks and Government. I hope at personal level he has time for reflection on many things before his next move.

He still is Party Spokesman and may keep it but clearly many are watching whether he will continue weaponising it against perceived and imagined enemies.

Walter Mzembi served as Tourism Minister and then later Foreign Affairs Minister in the government of the late President Robert Mugabe.

Chris MutsvangwaChristopher MutsvangwaEmmerson MnangagwaWalter Mzembi
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  • Anonymous

    Nyorai chirungu kwacho simple English mazivara asina meaning ndiko kudzidza kwacho here the answer is no, bcz white pple owners of English they dont talk like this ,😂😂😂😂😂 muno vhaira fani