Mnangagwa fires Chris Mutsvangwa as War Vets Minister, no reasons given

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has removed Christopher Mutsvangwa as Minister of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Affairs with immediate effect without stating his reasons.

In a statement, Deputy Chief Secretary-Presidential Communications, George Charamba announced the development on Saturday afternoon.

“Further, the Chief Secretary has announced the removal with immediate effect of Honourable Christopher Mutsvangwa as Minister of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Affairs,” read the notice.

Charamba also announced the appointment of three deputy ministers.

“The Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr. Martin. Rushwaya has announced the following appointments by His Excellency the President, Dr E D Mnangagwa:

“Hon. Omphile Marupi as Deputy Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services.”

The President also appointed Sheillah Chikomo as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

Benjamin Kabikira was appointed Deputy Minister of Local Government and Public Works.

Last year, Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) members removed Mutsvangwa from his position as the chairman of the organisation.

The members cited “lack of professionalism, no functioning systems in place, undue interference, lack of accountability and no clear programmes to embark on during the life of the sitting committee,” as reasons behind his ouster.

Chris MutsvangwaChristopher MutsvangwaOmphile MarupiSheillah Chikomo
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  • Anonymous

    Ndakudzokera kuparty hangu noise yaenda

  • Anonymous

    Mangwana anenge akukwira makombi

  • Anonymous

    Phooooooo iyo yarira pfuti nemanhede pasi beu butsurai ikoko hatiko ikoko,