Mutsvangwa claims Chamisa resignation a victory for CCC ‘democrats’

Zanu PF spokesman Christopher Mutsvangwa has claimed the resignation of Nelson Chamisa as leader of the opposition Citizens for Coalition Change (CCC) was a victory for members that were fighting for democracy in the party.

Chamisa on Thursday quit the party he founded two years ago, arguing that it was “contaminated” by infiltrators and hinted that “we have fresh things we need to do.”

Addressing a press conference, Chinamasa was at pains to deny that the ruling party sponsored Sengezo Tshabangu who imposed himself as the Interim Secretary General of the CCC and recalled legitimate MPs, triggering controversial by-elections.

“How can a leader of a party who wants to run a country thrive on what they call strategic ambiguity? All human beings live on structures because we work socially together in a distinctive manner,” Mutsvangwa, who is also Minister of War Veterans’ Affairs, said.

“This strategic ambiguity has consumed it’s author as it was nothing short of camouflage dictatorship on the part of Chamisa,” he said.

“Organizations have ways in which to make you accountable. There are books that have to be looked at, there are assets, there were funds which were received. We have heard of enormous complaints from CCC membership which went to campaigns and were not paid,” he said.

“Now that he’s not in charge I hope the books won’t disappear because remaining people have administration accounts to settle,” he said.

A defiant Chamisa meanwhile told his supporters; “We call upon all citizens to rally behind fresh politics, new politics, and genuine fresh and credible leaders who want to serve and not to be served.

“ZANU PF can take everything that we sweat for, take the party and its name, take the money, and whoever is a beneficiary of this fraud is a certified fraudster.

“There are fresh things we need to do. Let’s all work together for total freedom, true change, and holistic transformation for our beloved country. Giving up or giving in is not an option. Nothing comes without tenacity and resilience,” he said.

A day after Chamisa resigned, former party spokesperson and Mt Pleasant MP Fadzayi Mahere also handed in her resignation as an MP in solidarity with Chamisa.

“Despite our focus on a battle of ideas and policy, the regime chose the low road of an unconstitutional onslaught on the will of the people. They used surrogates and dark actors such as a Mr Tshabangu, whom I do not know and have not met,” Mahere wrote.

“Their goal is to force the two-thirds majority they failed to garner in August 2023 despite unprecedented electoral malpractices that left the region, and indeed the globe, in shock.

“We have seen the widespread abuse of state institutions which have effectively handed over all levers of control of the CCC to this imposter.

“The assault on the will of the people, the tainted state of Parliament, coupled with sundry breaches of Parliamentary privilege, illegal suspensions and the decision by President Nelson Chamisa to dissociate himself from the captured CCC have made it untenable for me to continue in my role as a member of parliament for Mt Pleasant Constituency under the CCC banner.

Chris MutsvangwaChristopher MutsvangwaCitizens for Coalition ChangeNelson Chamisa
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  • Anonymous

    He is talking about democracy ye munhu wavo wavakatuma kudzinga ma mps e ccc. Tshabangu.

  • Anonymous

    Kusimbirira kurapa mhopo iri kumusana iwe une ziso rine mbonje👀

  • Anonymous

    Mutsvangwa musata……wako

  • Anonymous

    Mutsvangwa hatogoni kusiyana naChamisa ndochete wanongoona kutadza kwake

  • Anonymous

    True speaking u don’t sleep well at night thinking about the people’s President

  • Anonymous

    What sign is it when a 35 year old party sakes it leader ? Is it still a search for democracy ?