Ahee vs Tiza: Baba Harare accuses Enzo Ishall of imitating his sound

Contrary to chanter Enzo Ishall’s assertion that Baba Harare had stolen his his style and sound when he made his song Ahee, Baba Harare has claimed that it was in fact the dancehall chanter who was riding on the crest of the wave he created.

The release of Ahee, taken of Baba Harare’s new album Prove Them Wrong, has proved controversial, as it has eerie similarities to Enzo’s Tiza which was released earlier this year.

This week, the chanter seemed to be mocking the Jiti musician for a song that has been alleged to be an imitation by some, claiming that he should be referred to as Baba Zimbabwe due to the fact he seemed to have provided inspiration to his fellow musician.

Zimdancehall musician Kudzanai Mamhare popularly known as Enzo Ishall

In an interview with Butterphly on ZiFM Stereo, Baba Harare said that it was in fact, Enzo who had borrowed so heavily from his Jiti influenced sound.

“His song? That’s my song. Akangoisa ma lyrics pa beat rangu reJiti. Do you know kuti my producer Nyasha Timbe anga asinga produse Jiti. So ini pandakatanga kushanda naye ndini ndakatomutenhesa kuti atange kuita Jiti.

“Ukateerera drum riri pana Tiza idrum riripasong yangu “Akanaka”. Ma rows ese ndini ndakamagadzira. So Nyasha achitogadzira aitondiudza achiti ndinogadzira chinhu chakadai chakadai,” Baba Harare explained.

Baba Harare maintained that it was Enzo who had followed in his footsteps.

“Ayehwa. Imi tarisai mavideo angu kubva kudhara. Even musikana waakaenda naye [paakaridza ku Beer Fest] ndi Subaru. Subaru aripamavideo angu anodarika kana four.

“Baba Generator, Subaru ndiye musikana uya anga ane zambia re red so. Ndiye same person. Ehe. Anotozviziva hake. ku Jiti. Enzo ndewekungodenha,” declared Baba Harare,” he said.

AheeBaba HarareEnzo IshallTiza
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    • Gerlie Geremu

      Forster M Graham kurwadziwa saka vakudaro Kuda kuwisira mumwe pasi

    • Gerlie Geremu

      Forster M Graham kkkkk chete vanhu vekwedu I game rawo Ummm mazuva Aya vannhu vaiti soma aba beat yamacheso kkkkkk

  • Nomore Gwete

    Chokwadi chaicho Baba Harare chamataura

  • Munyah Mujeka

    Iye baba Harare zvingani zvaakatora zvevamwe ma jive ake ayo akaatora kuna kapfupi then one of his dancers anobuda pama video uya akatevedzera magererwo anoitwa sabhuku vharazipi

  • Mike Ngozi

    Koiling jive akatobira awilo.longomba. ..anofanira kutosungwa baba Harare

  • Prince Napulu

    Kurwira muchongoyo iwoyo ..asi maonero angu Yababa Harare haimborire kudarika wetunjiva uyo

  • Thelma Gokuda

    Inga enzo akatot inspired by baba harare wani anenge anedzungu koiling father wenyu

  • Andrew Kagogoda

    I agree with Baba Harare song inonzi tiza yaIshal ijiti iyo

  • Financee Chididah

    Ese marara zvawo kunyanya Enzo arikubike madhaka waywaya haaa