Former Dynamos star Stanley Chirambadare acquitted in sodomy case

Former Dynamos FC defender Stanley ‘Samora’ Chirambadare has been cleared of charges that he sexually assaulted a 13-year-old boy at his academy in Mufakose, Harare in March 2021.

The case has been in the courts since last year April pending final judgement.

However, the 56-year-old legendary defender’s name was finally cleared on Monday.

Dynamos legend Stanley Chirambadare faced allegations of sodomising a 13-year-old boy from his Revival Football Academy

He was acquitted by Harare magistrate Themba Kuwanda who cited lack of enough evidence following a full trial.

It was alleged sometime in March last year the former athlete sodomised the boy at his house until he developed piles.

This was when the complainant had gone to do chores at his gaffer’s place.

The court heard that the boy together with his team mates usually went to Chirambadare’s house to help him with the cleaning and in return he gave them sweets.

However, one day the 13-year-old boy went alone and Chirambadare allegedly took advantage and sexually assaulted him in his bedroom.

He allegedly threatened to kill him if he told anyone including the police. Nehanda Radio

sodomyStanley Chirambadare
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