Mai TT engages Minister Mutsvangwa to get rival socialite arrested

The social media war between female socialites Felistus ‘Mai TT’ Murata and Evidence ‘Chihera’ Jiji has just turned political.

With Mai TT seemingly unable to contain social media attacks from Chihera, resorted to taking her complaints to Zanu PF and Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa appealing for Chihera’s arrest.

In a video clip which is circulating on social media , Mai TT is heard accusing Chihera of peddling false information against her with the bid to tarnish her image.

“So mhamha chikumbiro because ndakambosvika pakuudza mapurisa pa Central ndikati one day I will commit a crime, you will arrest me for this because I am sick and tired of Evidence.

“The law could not help me ndakaita procedure yekuti I paid my lawyer ngaaitwe sued akaita live zvikanzi which suing inoitwa muzimbabwe makadhakwa…” fumed Ma Titi in the video.

Mai Titi also said that she is emotionally hurt by Chihera after she accused her of having a baby with Zanu PF MP and businessman Phillip Chiyangwa.

Sometime last year, the comedian filed a $200k lawsuit against Chihera and because nothing has happened she appears to be using her political connections with Zanu PF to have her [Chihera] arrested.

Mai TT publicly announced the law suit on her Facebook page.

“l have filed a case against Chihera for attacking me and she has been doing this to some musicians.

“l have a case against Chihera and my lawyers are failing to locate her to serve her with legal documents,” reads part of the post.

Here is the video of Mai TT appealing with Monica Mutsvangwa to arrest Chihera.

Evidence ‘Chihera’ JijiEvidence ChiheraEvidence JijiFelistus MurataMai TTMurata
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    • Shelter Ps Wadyes

      Pride Ringoziwa Pridy vasingatende vapi iye she became popular nezvirikuitwa nevamwe plus they choose life yepasocial media let it be

  • Bee Gee

    Madness anongofunga kusungisa vanhu

  • Fortune Zihura

    Dzimwe nyaya so… Kunotambisa gate Panze kurinane kana kuti kutoona star ⭐️ life 😊

  • Pardonjonah Mazuru

    Pfutsek felistas iwe namutsvangwa wacho ndimi m unofanira kusungwa Evidence anotaura chokwadi kungoti chokwadi chinorwadza kutambira

  • Nyado Vibes

    This woman is spoiled so called Mai TT to hell with her Zanu Pf shit

  • Veronica Mundandi

    Handimbooni chinoshamisira pana felistas bcz atongovewo chembere ,saka kufugura magaro kwaanoita pavanhu zvino shamisira chii ? felistas haana kana basa tibvisireiwo nyaya dzake pano tinoda nyaya dzakanangana nezve kuumba nyika kwete kuswero tevedzana nenyaya dzemahure havana basa avo