“It’s possible to play in Premier League, just keep on believing – Nakamba

In-form Warriors and Aston Villa FC midfielder Marvelous Nakamba (27) has motivated aspiring young footballers in Zimbabwe to believe in themselves saying it’s possible for them to ply their trade in the English Premier League (EPL).

Nakamba’s sentiments come at a time when he was applauding Zimbabweans for the support they have expressed to him in his football career, particularly ever since he joined the English side in 2019.

The Aston Villa midfielder took to his twitter account to convey his message before expressing his gratitude to his fellow countrymen.

“To my fellow Zimbabweans back home, thank you for the love and support you that you show me.

“To all the young aspiring footballers in Zimbabwe, it’s possible to play in the Premier League, just keep on believing and don’t let anyone tell you that it’s not possible,” the former Bantu Rovers player said.

The Hwange born star was voted man of the match over the weekend when Villa beat Crystal Palace 2-1 away on Saturday.

His superb performance paid-off when pundit and ex-footballer Alan Shearer named him in his Premier League Team of The Week. Nehanda Radio

Alan ShearerAston VillaEnglish Premier League footballMarvelous Nakamba
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    • Nyasha Wafawarova

      Langton Jacob every player ane role yake in the team, John obi Mikel ane 2 goals for Chelsea but he played well pa role yake. Football is not always about scoring

  • Tichy Ndarira

    Not taking anything away from Nakamba but to be honest they are just Odinary players compared to King Peter,he must bring us a smile to the national team.