Man hacks UZ computer network, allocates accommodation to 64 students

A Zimbabwe National Geospatial and Space Agent at the University of Zimbabwe pocketed over US$3,000 from 64 students after he unlawfully gained access into the University of Zimbabwe computer network and began soliciting amounts between US$40 and US$60 for one to secure accommodation.

The offence came to light when one of the students which the accused person had unlawfully allocated room number E3 requested confirmation through the Accommodation officer that he had been allocated room number E3.

The suspect Martin Magomana (36) was arraigned before Harare Magistrate Dennis Mangosi charged with unauthorized access or use of a computer network.

Magomana was released on $5 000 bail and was remanded to January 19 next year.

The complainant is the University Zimbabwe being represented by Stanley Gorejena who is the Student Residential and Logistical Services Officer.

It is the State’s case that the University of Zimbabwe offers accommodation to students using two platforms which are the online platform where students apply for accommodation facilities at the institution and the physical platform where students with special cases apply physically to the Accommodation officer.

The students are allocated accommodation from reserved accommodation and the systems and records are updated accordingly.

It is further alleged that during the period between October 2021 and November 2021, the accused person unlawfully gained access and interfered with the University of Zimbabwe computer network using the credentials for one K Tsimba and whilst in the computer network, the accused person unlawfully allocated accommodation to 64 students.

It is alleged after allocating the accommodation, the accused solicited and received various amounts ranging from US$40 to US$60 per student as payment for his services.

The State alleges that all this happened while, the accused person was communicating with the students using his mobile line numbers 0715 216 627 and 0772 225 597 which is registered in his name.

The offence came to light when one Adrian Ngwenya one of the students which the accused person had unlawfully allocated room number E3 requested confirmation through the Accommodation officer that he had been allocated room number E3.

Investigations were carried out and it was established that the student had been fraudulently allocated accommodation.

Further investigations revealed that the accused had allocated accommodation to 64 students at the University of Zimbabwe after unlawfully gaining access and manipulating the institution’s computer network.

The State alleges that the accused person had no lawful right to act in the manner he did. Zim Morning Post

Martin MagomanaUniversity of Zimbabwe
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