Dynamos coach Tonderai Ndiraya dragged into Zanu PF factionalism

Dynamos gaffer Tonderai Ndiraya was on Saturday dragged to Rushinga by Zanu PF Mashonaland Central chairperson Kazembe Kazembe for a campaign meeting ahead of the party provincial elections.

Kazembe is a former Dynamos secretary general and is allegedly trying to use his influence in luring youths to vote for him by giving false hope through sport.

He is set to battle it out in the race with his rival from constituency level Mazowe District Coordinating Committee (DCC) chairperson Tafadzwa Musarara who is his major threat.

Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister Kazembe Kazembe

Speaking at the event in Rushinga Kazembe said he brought Ndiraya to scout for players that can be taken to one of the country’s biggest clubs.

“I have brought you Dynamos head coach Ndiraya who is going to scout players from this province and in this event some players are going to be picked,” Kazembe said.

Although many youths questioned why Kazembe would come with Ndiraya close to provincial election days they knew that it was a campaign gimmick.

“We know that Kazembe is under fire because he has not been coming back to the ground saying he was busy with government business but now election is around the corner we are seeing him with the Dynamos coach. Where was he all along and why now. How many years has he been in power we are tired of fake politicians,” fumed one soccer player .

Zanu PF legislators Norman Marikisi and Tendai Nyabani formed 17 teams from 25 wards and formed both men and women’s teams.

Dynamos gaffer Tonderai Ndiraya was on Saturday dragged to Rushinga by Zanu PF Mashonaland Central chairperson Kazembe Kazembe for a campaign meeting ahead of the party provincial elections.

Contacted for comment Ndiraya dismissed political links saying he was scouting for talent since there is vast talent in rural areas.

“I was invited by Kazembe to scout talent, l have not been to Rushinga only, l was in Mutoko, Hwedza and most recently Rushinga, my wish is to visit more rural areas and scout for more talent, “ Ndiraya said.

He further claimed that he was excited to visit Rushinga since he did his lower primary there and his uncle was a headmaster at Magarahwe Primary School.

Kazembe is not new to sports scandals. Recently Minister of Sports Kirsty Coventry raised alarm after a company linked to him Learbridge Investments (Learbridge) was awarded a tender to renovate the National sports stadium at a cost of US$2,577,334.01 a figure which was meant to easy his campaign cost for the provincial election.

However, there is so much activity in Mashonaland between Kazembe and Musarara with James Makamba losing touch after reportedly getting broke before the actual race.

Kazembe KazembeLearbridgeLearbridge InvestmentsTonderai Ndiraya
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  • Chief Gerald

    Is that Somandla Ndebele next to him?

  • Wilo Wilocious

    Its like forcing someone to join Zanu. Payback time. Remember the benefits he got from Tagwirei; the staunch Zanu supporter.

  • MaHembe Chitungwiza

    If they took him against his will he should open a police case but they never put a gun to his head hapana nyaya apa

  • Josiah Maforo

    Zanu pf and Dynamos are like identical twins, check the DNA