Bosso defender takes positives from loss

By Tadious Manyepo

Highlanders defender, Andrew Mbeba, believes his team have what it takes to compete this season despite their Uhuru Cup defeat.

Andrew “Tower” Mbeba

Bosso lost 0-2 to Dynamos in the President’s Independence Cup final at the National Sports Stadium on Sunday.

Two mistakes by the visitors resulted in them losing this game.

Mbeba was one of the best players on the field, with his decisive tackles and interceptions helping Bosso in key moments.

The 2019 Premiership Rookie of the Year praised his teammates, whom he believes have what it takes, to compete against the best, in the country.

“Going into the President’s Independence Cup final against Dynamos, we had gone for more than a year without playing football,” said Mbeba.

“All the mistakes, which we made as a team, which led to the goals and those which didn’t result in goals, were very much acceptable.

“You look at what we have gone through, as a country, in terms of the Covid-19 pandemic and what it has taken for us, to finally kick a ball in a competition.

“We are still to attain significant fitness, both mentally, and physically.

“It’s very easy to lose concentration at critical moments. If you look at it closely, Dynamos also made those mistakes which, on any other day, can be fully utilised by opponents.’’

He said there was still a lot they need to do to regain fitness.

“The truth is we are still very much rusty and this President’s Independence Cup final has helped us see areas which we need to improve,’’ he said.

“We really wanted to win the Cup, because it gives us pride, but it wasn’t to be. But, definitely we picked several positives.”Mbeba, one of the rising stars of the game and part of the locally-based Warriors squad, said the return of football was a huge relief to players.

“We had been used to the same boring routine at home.

“You work up, train according to instruction and send videos. You put in total effort but the most frustrating factor was not knowing when football would make a return.

“It was torture but we are happy that now we know we are training with this competition, or that contest in mind, it’s quite motivating.

“We had grown so eager to play the game but it wasn’t there and that was so boring. Football is our profession and, you know, you ought to play every time.

“The cluster competition, which is coming this May, is great. We have shown that we are capable of playing quality football.

“Our fitness is still not yet up there and we need to keep on pushing. By May,we will be up there, and I tell you with the quality of players we have in our fold, we can play very well and win competitions.”

Bosso unleashed some of their top signings like former Black Rhinos defender Andrew Thandi and ex-FC Platinum midfielder Winston Mhango.

Chrispen Ncube and Keith Mavunga also gave a good account of themselves.

Coach Mandla Mpofu is expected to sign, at least, one senior player in each department, a move that could further strengthen Bosso, this season. The Herald

Andrew MbebaHighlanders
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