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June 2020

Full Text: Job Sikhala warns ‘arrogant’ Mnangagwa: ‘your end is nigh’

By Job Wiwa Sikhala

Two nights ago I dreamt about you being viciously bitten by a swarm of bees. You tried to laugh at them saying nyuchi idzi dzinopenga but they continued coming for you heavily. When you tried to use your hand to swap them away I saw them biting your hand until it got swollen to the size of a drum. They continued biting you until you melted. Beware mene mene takil Falsin.

Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi: RBZ did not listen… the problem with EcoCash

By Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi

On the 30th of December 2019 I wrote to the governor of (Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe) RBZ, the Ministry of Finance and the government that the growth of a dominating mobile money service provider was now a national security issue and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

Below is what I presented. You have to be ignorant to ignore this.

If Zimbabwe could speak!

By Brilliant Pongo

They cry Great Zimbabwe, ruined yes
Ruined by corruption, crippled by maladministration.
With leaders who are damaged by war and prison, their reasoning poisoned by greed
my veins consequently polluted by their unquenchable vice. I cry.
My diamonds, my minerals sucked by vipers given to foreigner for a pittance