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November 22, 2019

Zanu PF MP vows to starve MDC supporters

Chiredzi West legislator Farai Musikavanhu (Zanu PF) on Sunday vowed to deny MDC supporters food aid and government-sourced agricultural inputs, and put paid to long-standing allegations that the ruling party disenfranchises underprivileged members of society on political grounds.

The end is nigh: Chamisa

OPPOSITION MDC leader Nelson Chamisa says the end is nigh for the ruling Zanu PF, accusing the party of trying to suppress “inevitable” democratic change.

Luke-ing the Beast in the Eye: Mugabe may be gone but Mugabeism, the culture, lives on

By Luke Tamborinyoka

This is the week that President Nelson Chamisa prepared to deliver a Hope of the Nation Address, yet the illegitimate regime of Mr Mnangagwa ensured that it showcased the despair of the nation to the world. 

The brutality shown outside the MDC headquarters on Wednesday has been our story for the past 20 years. Our God and our unstinting faith in the democratic struggle have kept us alive. 

Mugabe may be gone but Mugabeism, the culture, lives on, in its most brutal rendition. The culture of impunity endures under a Mnangagwa, in its most despicable version. 

Why I quit religion and chose Christ

By Vickie Storm

Aargh, ever been in a place of self-reflection and wondered “What on earth was I thinking?” This is probably the best part of my life because I realise what Grace really is and how following Christ meant a Transformed life.

I set across the mirror doing my hair and stopped as I noticed a little smile which had been fixed on my face for a while. No, I actually had no one in mind or had suddenly won the lottery. In fact I had now been overwhelmed with the sense of peace in my life. Then I remembered as to how I got here.

It was about 10 years ago when my walk with Christ had a turn. I had been saved at a young age and quite frankly enjoyed my teen years as a Christian. I got to know God and simple made Him known in different places. So, life was cool right. However in my 20s things changed.