DJ Towers blasts Zim Hip Hop Awards

By Nyasha Kada

Popular artiste DJ Towers has blasted organisers of the Zim Hip Hop Awards for lacking professionalism.

Popular artiste DJ Towers

The ninth edition of the awards set for December 13 at Wood formerly Club 1+1 have come under attack from DJ Towers as they registered him as a nominee in the Best Hustle category and yet he didn’t submit to enter the awards.

“These guys are not professional, it’s the ninth edition of the awards and it seems the awards are only getting worse instead of being better.

“Hey listed me for one of the category and yet I didn’t submit anything to be part of the awards.

“I have asked them to take my name of that category as I don’t want anything to do with the awards.

“Beefy (the organiser) told me that someone had submitted in something for but I have no manager to manage my affairs so did I end up being registered.

“These awards lack professionalism and its incidents like these that show that,” said DJ Towers.

He added: “Incidents like these make the awards lose credit. The organisers should work for credibility and make sure the awards get bigger and not organise shoddy dubious events.” H-Metro

DJ Towerszim hip hop awards
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