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August 16, 2019

Chiyangwa mocks life ban by ZIFA

Former ZIFA president Philip Chiyangwa says the life ban imposed on him by the new association’s leadership “is a joke,’’ which will be dismissed by those who make pronouncements that matter in this game, including FIFA and CAF.

Passport output set to improve

The Registrar-General’s Department has increased its production capacity for passports from 60 to 800 a day and is targeting to print 8 000 in the same period in the next few weeks following the delivery of new equipment and consumables.

Illegal miners invade Eureka Mine

Eureka Gold Mine Zimbabwe has been invaded by artisanal miners following reports that the new management which took over the claims is taking long to show signs of productivity which has disgruntled locals.

DeMbare sponsor shot in South Africa

MULTI-MILLIONAIRE businessman Simon Rudland, whose $5 million injection into Dynamos at the beginning of the year provided a kiss of life for the Glamour Boys, was shot and seriously wounded in an assassination attempt in Johannesburg on Wednesday morning.

Kutarisana nechikara: Luke-ing the beast in the eye

By Luke Batsirai Tamborinyoka

Today, Zimbabweans in Harare will be exercising their democratic right to gaze into the retina of the eye of the beast.

The demonstrations have been spurred by a spate of several national grievances that can only be resolved by a legitimate people’s government with an undisputed mandate.