‘Chicken burger’ bust by lover’s hubby

By Gibson Mhaka

A philandering manager with one of the service stations in Gwanda was given a very special kind of punishment by his alleged lover’s husband after he reportedly busted him at his matrimonial home while delivering a chicken burger to his wife.

“Burgerman”: Mthetheleli Sibanda

Mthetheleli Sibanda, a supervisor with Redan Petroleum was an epitome of shame when an infuriated Hardpass Mutema ordered his wife Lydia Maziofa to take the burger back to him so that they can go together and give it to his wife in their presence.

According to a B-Metro mole who claimed to have witnessed the melodramatic incident which looks like an ultimate revenge by Mutema to Sibanda for allegedly dating his wife, occurred on 15 July at around 4pm.

So extremely nasty was the action, that Mutema force-marched Sibanda to his place with the burger so that he can deliver it to his wife.

“On the day in question, Mutema who had long suspected that his wife was cheating on him with Sibanda, went home unexpectedly and found Sibanda parking his navy blue Ford Ranger by his gate. He however, didn’t confront him but observed him from a distance where he later noticed his wife coming from the house and receiving a parcel from Sibanda,” said the source.

After Sibanda had left, Mutema confronted his wife and enquired about Sibanda’s presence and the parcel she had received from him. He also demanded her phone.

“Maziofa had however, deleted the messages but she was sold out by Sibanda’s message which popped in when her husband was still with the phone. In the message Sibanda was asking her (Maziofa) whether the burger was still hot and nice,” said the mole.

In a fit of pique, Mutema is alleged to have taken the burger and asked his wife to accompany him to Sibanda’s workplace where he confronted him and demanded that the trio go to his house and give the burger to his wife.

The nasty surprise is reported to have infuriated Sibanda’s wife who allegedly charged at her husband while accusing him of being a serial “cheat”.

The next day, the “embarrassed” and “humiliated” Sibanda is said to have gone to Gwanda Police Station where he sought the services of a chaplain so that he can ask for forgiveness from Mutema on his behalf.

When called by the chaplain, Maziofa is reported to have confessed to her cheating ways with Sibanda and admitted to her husband that she’d made a mistake.

Although Maziofa could not be reached for comment her husband emphatically confirmed the incident.

“What you heard is true. It’s frustrating that he (Sibanda) is using money to date people’s wives. I had been suspicious for some time until the day I found him at my place delivering a chicken burger to my wife. My wife initially denied but when we went to the chaplain she admitted dating him and that the relationship had been going for two months,” said a broken-hearted Mutema.

Meanwhile, Sibanda could neither confirm nor deny his alleged secret rendezvous with Mutema’s wife.

“I can’t respond to those allegations for now because I am in someone’s office. You can phone me later or I will come back to you,” he tersely said.

Spirited efforts to contact him drew a blank as his mobile phone was no longer reachable by the time of going to print. B-Metro

chicken burgergwandaHardpass MutemaLydia MaziofaMthetheleli SibandaRedan Petroleum
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