Macheso shines at Castle Tankard

By Kundai Marunya

Sungura music maestro Alick Macheso shook Borrowdale Race Course with an energetic performance at Castle Tankard on Saturday. He was on stage for about three hours belting out hit after hit and he also showed some moves of his “Borrowdale” dance.

Alick Macheso portrays a sad gesture while performing at Castle Tankard on Saturday

Many excited fans in the crowd also danced wildly as Macheso did what he knows best.
He mixed old hits with current songs and people loved the combination. He showed fans why organisers of Castle Tankard have faith to make him the main act every year.

He switched from “Madhawu” to “Kudzwai” and got the same response despite although the songs’ compositions are years apart.

His band was up to the task, with dancers showing exciting skills while guitarists strummed with zeal.
Macheso is one of the surviving legends whose strength seems to increase with age. Of late, he has been doing exceptionally well with his current album “Dzinosvitsa Kure”.

Also performing at the event was Enzo Ishall who stood for the dancehall movement. It is not easy to leave lasting impressions when sharing the stage with legends like Macheso and Enzo realised he had been thrown to the deep end.

Although he performed his hits including “Kanjiva” the young singer failed to make expected impact. However, some youthful fans that were in the venue sang along to the songs he belted out, but the response was not inspiring.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines of the horse race and music, fashionistas showcased their style in different ways.
They competed to show various levels of creativity and stylish taste. Some even went on to repurpose empty alcohol beverages to make up exquisite night wear.

It was a day to remember and many people went home with memories. Some had come for the horse race; others had come for prizes that were handed out while others had come for music. All in all, it was a well-packaged Castle Tankard event. The Herald

Alick MachesoBorrowdale Race CourseCastle Tankard
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