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May 10, 2019

Seh Calaz explains weight gain

Seh Calaz says he does not owe anyone an explanation why he is gaining weight. Born Tawanda Mumanyi, the Zim dancehall chanter said his wife Moira Knight was taking good care of him that’s why he is picking up the weight.

David Tinashe Hofisi: High Court ruling against Nelson Chamisa: The battle of populism vs Constitutionalism

By David Tinashe Hofisi

The High Court sitting at Harare dealt a body-blow to Nelson Chamisa’s leadership of the MDC on 8 May 2019. In the case of Elias Mashavira vs. Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and Five Others HH 302/19, Justice Edith Mushore ruled that Chamisa’s ascension to the positions of Deputy President, Acting President and substantive President were contrary to the MDC Constitution. Criticism of the judgment has been as swift as it has been acerbic.

The MDC claimed the ruling is part of the “machinations and strategies…deployed by the Mnangagwa administration to destabilize and destroy the people’s project.” UK based scholar Alex Magaisa termed the judgement an “embarrassment to the legal and political system,” whilst MDC member and lawyer David Coltart called it a “desperate and pathetic move.”  

This is at odds with other commentators, most prominently scholar Derek Matyszak, who pointed out Chamisa’s questionable rise to the party presidency ahead of the court’s findings. In assessing these opposing views, I am convinced that it is the populist-driven nature of the MDC which makes its supporters oblivious to the legal consequences of its constitutional misfeasance.

Gumbura seeks relief at High Court

Jailed pastor Robert Gumbura and his accomplices have decided to approach the High Court to have the dismissal of the application for discharge reviewed in the attempted jailbreak case.

PHD discredits State evidence

The Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries $28 million tax evasion case took a new twist yesterday during the defence case of the trial within a trial as the church representative tried to discredit State papers.

Man attacks neighbour’s wife

A city man has been accused of chasing his neigbour’s wife while wielding a hoe. The matter came to light at the Harare Civil Court where Misheck Ndala was applying for a peace order against Golden Mutetwa.