Banana’s widow gets windfall…. lump sum of $170 000, then monthly pension of $5 000

By Peter Matika

The widow of former Zimbabwean president Canaan Sodindo Banana, Mrs Janet Madade Banana has started receiving her pension, as promised by Government.

Janet Banana

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, last month ordered relevant organs of the Government to cater for Mrs Banana’s medical bills, while she was admitted to a private hospital, as well as to ensure that she receives her pension.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Mr Nick Mangwana confirmed the development on Friday.

“Yes, she has begun receiving her pension but I cannot disclose the figure, as that is private information. But she is definitely getting her pension,” said Mr Mangwana.

Sources said Mrs Banana received a lump sum of more than $170 000 and will also receive a monthly pension of $5 000.

Mrs Banana (83) is the widow of Rev Banana who was in office from 1980 to 1987. Mrs Banana had been out of the country for the past 18-years, living in the United Kingdom.

Mrs Banana in an earlier interview, while hospitalised acknowledged that the Government had been supporting her since her return and had gone the extra mile of providing her with security.

“Yes, the Government has been supporting me very much in my treatment since I arrived. The problem is that I am in and out of hospital and the thing is I don’t know when I will recover from this illness,” she said.

She told Sunday News that she was greatly indebted to President Mnangagwa for the support and aid she had been receiving.

“. . . All the efforts that they have been making together with those that work with him are excellent. I was away for 18 years and I am very grateful for the assistance that has been rendered to me by the Government of Zimbabwe,” she said.

According to reports Government is also in the process of securing housing for her. Sunday News

Canaan BananaCanaan Sodindo BananaJanet BananaJanet Madade Banana
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