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March 2019

When murder came to Gletwin

On Tuesday Gletwin residents in Harare woke to gunshots which shattered the early morning peace when a man shot and killed his wife and brother-in-law after a protracted marital dispute. Following the brutal crime, Petros Pomborokani (50), a former Ministry of Health and Child Care official, immediately went into hiding and is being hunted down by the police.

New twist to adultery case

A Harare woman, who was recently ordered by the High Court to pay $50 000 in adultery damages to Rudo Boka, has approached the court seeking an out of court settlement.

Somandla mourns Matsito

Sungura musician Somandla “Mafia” Ndebele has expressed shock following the death of Ngwenya Brothers’ leader Tedius Matsito who died yesterday at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals.