Former Angolan minister found dead in Maputo hotel under unclear circumstances

By Jose Tembe

Angola has confirmed the death of its former minister of higher education, Adão Gaspar Ferreira do Nascimento, in a hotel room in the Mozambican capital, Maputo.

Adão Gaspar Ferreira do Nascimento was Minister of Higher Education from 2012 to 2017

A press statement from the Angolan embassy in Maputo says the 60-year-old’s body has been moved to a local morgue for a trauma examination.

The embassy says the death occurred at 21:00 local time on Wednesday night.

Mozambique’s National Criminal Investigation Service is investigating the cause and circumstances of Mr do Nascimento’s death, the embassy’s statement adds.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Maria do Rosário Bragança Sambo, wrote in a note of condolences that the death of Ferreira do Nascimento “is mourned not only by his family and friends but by the entire academic society “.

Adão Gaspar Ferreira do Nascimento was Minister of Higher Education from 2012 to 2017. BBC News

Adão Gaspar Ferreira do NascimentoAngolan embassy
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