Man rapes and robs cheating lover

By Whinsley Masara

Police in Bulawayo are looking for a man who allegedly raped his lover and stole her cellphone after catching her in bed with another man.

Benjamin Dube (34) fled soon after committing the crime at around 7 PM on Saturday.

Bulawayo acting police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube said investigations into the incident were underway.

“We are investigating a case of rape by a suspect known as Benjamin Dube. His residential address could not be immediately stated. Police are appealing to anyone who may know or have information that may lead to the arrest of the suspect, to report to their nearest police station.

“The suspect visited the 27-year-old woman at her home at Thokozani Flats and found her in bed with another man. This did not go down well with him and he produced a baton and threatened to beat up the woman before chasing the boyfriend away,” said Insp Ncube.

He said Dube then instructed the woman to remain naked in bed before forcing himself on her. Dube caressed the victim and then proceeded to rape her. He forcibly took the victim’s smart phone and went away. The Chronicle

Benjamin Duberape
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