Sex-starved convict…. “I will marry as soon as leave prison”

By Adoration Bizure

A SEX-STARVED convict is hoping that he will marry a new wife when he is freed from prison.

Meck Nyakatende

Meck Nyakatende, who has been abandoned by five women he was customarily married to, said one of his major priorities when he leaves jail is to marry a new wife.

“I have been in prison since October 2000 and life here has not been easy for me because I had been sexually active and I am now living as a bachelor.

“I have been married to five women and all of them have abandoned me, they no longer come to visit me or even send groceries so when I leave this place I am going to start a new life.

“One of my top goals is to marry another woman with whom I will spend my life,” he said.
Narrating how he got in prison, Meck said he attacked a certain man over a prostitute whom he had met at the bar.

“My story is a shameful story and I don’t like talking about it because the reason why I am here this day is because I attacked a man over a prostitute.

“I was out of my mind because I was drunk and I threw a stone and attacked him.

“I have since asked for forgiveness from God but sometimes I find myself thinking about the incident.

“I was sentenced to life in prison but I hope I will be freed on Presidential amnesty and when I leave this place I will certainly live an exemplary life,” he said. H-Metro.

Meck Nyakatendeprisonprisoner
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