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September 6, 2018

Government should fund education sector

Zimbabwe’s education sector is in deep crisis, hence the need for President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government to fund the sector, former Primary and Secondary Education minister David Coltart has said.

Land Reform in South Africa: Fact and Fiction

U.S. President Donald Trump touched off a diplomatic row with South Africa by repeating an erroneous broadcast about land reform there. In this Q&A, International Crisis Group – Southern Africa Senior Consultant Piers Pigou sets the record straight about the land ownership and expropriation debates that are really underway in South Africa today.

Bread shortage looms in Zimbabwe

As the country’s economy continues to tank under the weight of myriad challenges, millers are now also warning of imminent bread shortages unless the government urgently releases foreign currency for wheat imports which are currently being held up in Beira, Mozambique awaiting payment.

Anti Corruption Commission targets Biti, big firms

Bruising legal and political wars could explode soon after it emerged yesterday that former Finance minister Tendai Biti and a number of well-known businesspeople are among a stellar list of individuals and companies which are being targeted for investigation by the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission (Zacc).

Edgars in discussions that may impact share value

Edgars Stores (Edgars) says it is engaged in discussions with an unnamed investor in a deal that may impact value of the company’s shares.Buhlebenkosi Mpofu, the clothing retailer’ company secretary, yesterday advised shareholders in a statement to be cautious on the local stock market when trading Edgars’ shares.