Zim Dancehall era made me take a back seat

By Rumbidzai Mbewe

Taught by his father to play the guitar, he ventured into the music scene at high school where he sang and played drums. His musical journey in the entertainment industry then began in 2002 after releasing his debut album titled Audius. The album featured hit song If only you knew that had over 41 000 views on YouTube.

Audius Mtawarira

The soft spoken Audius Mtawarira stole every girl’s heart with his looks, sweet voice and lyrics that brought you closer to your loved ones. His music has been appreciated a lot not only in Zimbabwe but internationally and has produced songs for renowned artists such as Ludacris and Flo-rida.

He is one of the founders of the urban grooves and continues to be the best when it comes to songs that deal with matters of the heart. Audius, however, had been quiet for some time as he felt that it was not yet the right time for him to produce any songs.

The awards-winning singer and song writer said he was now ready to release new songs after a long time. He said he had a lot of new music ready to be released that he was working on when he was not visible in the entertainment circles.

“I have a lot of new music but I did hold back a little bit because I felt with releasing, you have to release in the right environment. I felt like my music was not going with what people were playing at the time,” he said.

Audius said the Zim Dancehall era made him take a step back as at that time many people in the country were interested in this particular type of music. He said now that the fire had died a little bit as far as Zim dancehall is concerned, he is ready to release his music.

“There was a lot of hype on dancehall music in the country that you would rarely hear people listening to any other kind of music. Zim dancehall had taken over the entertainment industry, that made other genres invisible,” he said.

When Audius was missing in action, he had not completely forgotten his fans but he kept on working on new music that is scheduled to be released this year. He said, he had a lot of content that he did not even know which one to release first.

“I am very happy that I took my time to release new music because it gave me time to work on my new offerings. There is a lot to give out but at the moment I don’t know where to begin but my fans should be assured that I will be giving them something this year,” he said.

Unfortunately, to all those who prefer to go his live shows, the artistes said he won’t be doing any live shows. He said if there would be any changes they will be announced in due course. The Sunday Mail

Audius MtawariraZim dancehall
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