High Court orders Redcliff to pay after $2 million salary war

By Michael Magoronga

Bulawayo High Court Judge Justice Francis Bere has ordered Redcliff Municipality to pay its 217 workers about $2million in salary arrears.

File Picture: Hundreds of Torwood residents, some of them elderly people, braved a three-hour march covering a four-kilometre journey to Redcliff mayor Freddy Kapuya’s office to protest evictions and high council rates and fees. (Picture by NewsDay)

Justice Bere made the ruling on November 22.The workers successfully sued their employer for more the $2 023 885 in unpaid salary arrears dating between 2010 and 2012.

Sitting at the Bulawayo High Court, Justice Bere ruled, “… the respondent to pay applicants various amounts amounting to $2 023 885 as appearing on the quantification schedule attached to the registered as an order of this court.”

Mr Artwell Chinamatira of Mashanyare and Mavhiringidze Leal Practitioners who is representing the 217 workers said the council was not forthcoming in settling the debt.

“We will engage in talks first with council and hear what they have to offer before taking the next necessary step.

“It will be unfortunate that in case of failure to pay, we will then be left with no option but to take the next necessary legal route,” said Mr Chinamatira.

He said the municipality, through their legal representative Wilmot and Bennet, had requested for time to review their books to see who had been paid and who was owed.

The claim comes hard on the heels of yet another lawsuit by other workers who are claiming more than $1 million dating to the period between 2012 and 2015. The Chronicle

arrearsRedcliff Municipality
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