Beer binge turns fatal for airmen

By Munyaradzi Musiiwa

A beer binge by two airmen ended tragically in Kwekwe last week when one of them went berserk and murdered his colleague for allegedly stealing a six-pack of Golden Pilsener.

Air Force of Zimbabwe

Kelvin Nhete, an Air Force of Zimbabwe officer based at Air Defence Regiment in Redcliff, fatally assaulted his colleague, Phillip Muhenyeri, whom he accused of stealing the six-pack, while they were drinking at a night club in Old Mbizo.

Nhete (29) appeared before Kwekwe resident magistrate Mr Philemon Livard charged with murder.

He was not asked to plead and was remanded in custody to September 9.

He was advised to apply to the High Court for bail consideration.

The prosecutor Ms Chipo Hungwe told the court that on August 18 and at Old Mbizo Shopping Centre, Kwekwe, Nhete assaulted Muhenyeri with a blunt object and left him lying on the ground.

“Muhenyeri sustained head injuries and bruises on the chest, face and head,” she said.

“He was ferried to Kwekwe General Hospital where he died on August 19 due to injuries he sustained during the assault.”

Police investigations led to Nhete’s arrest. The Herald

Air Defence RegimentAir Defence Regiment in RedcliffKelvin NheteOld MbizoOld Mbizo Shopping CentrePhillip Muhenyeri
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