What is wrong with Mugabe’s Vice Presidents?

The conduct of Mugabe’s Deputies is not only mind boggling but leaves more questions than answers, these two gentlemen must not be allowed anywhere near public offices.

Second VP Phelekezela Mphoko, President Robert Mugabe and First VP Emmerson Mnangagwa

Despite these two guys swimming in a pool of mediocrity, Mnangagwa and Mphoko are a cut above the rest of course they are in the run for the mediocrity award with one Lazarus Dokora.

Dokora does not cease to amaze just yesterday his cabal threatened to close over 40 schools in Matabeleland.

Mphoko deserves to be incarcerated in a super max facility; a serious state must ensure he is at the country’s biggest state penitentiary Chikurubi.

For the second time in just one year Mphoko has once again invaded a police station in quintessential obstruction of justice.

He invaded Bulawayo Central Police Station’s courtyard yesterday and interrogated the officer-in-charge Chief Inspector Mpofu for diligently carrying out his duties by arresting ZANUPF thugs who since 1980 had been involved in acts of political violence owing to their intolerance.

In July last year, he descended on Avondale Police Station in Harare at night and ordered the release of rogue ZINARA crooks masquerading as executives, who had been arrested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission on graft allegations involving over $1 million.

Mnangagwa on the other hand continues to be on the wrong side of speech each time he is behind a microphone.

He has been busy feeding Zimbabweans with fake figures on the so called success of his command approach.

Mnangagwa recently in his infinite hallucinations claimed that Zimbabwean banks were seating on US$9 billion with no viable projects to fund.

This is despite the fact that the Reserve bank in its latest report on the banking sector had released information to the effect that only US$6 billion was in the banking sector.

The People’s Democratic Party is of the view that a serious leader could at least got official figures from his subordinates at the RBZ before embarrassing himself and the country as a whole.

As if that wasn’t enough he dreams on, in another day dream he hallucinated about his poor government creating 2,2 million jobs, we found this joke not so funny but rather sickening and an insult to the unemployed masses of Zimbabwe.

While it so difficult to decide on who is the worst, our conclusion is that Mphoko is just a confused fool but Mnangagwa takes the title home he is all in one, a fool, a hallucinator and an evil chap.

His involvement in Gukurahundi is in the history of our country the worst crime against humanity committed by serving state actors. While we content that Mphoko must be jailed Mnangagwa must be in solitary confinement because his presence in a prison also jeopardises the rights of other prisoners.

With age taking its toll on Mugabe, coupled with his countless overseas trips he is not available to preside over government business therefore he needed serious deputies but alas he appointed political lunatics who are just but a useless burden on the national purse.

These two fellas do not only need to face the music in the justice delivery system but their thinking needs both medical and surgical correction.

What have we done as Zimbabweans to deserve these two gentlemen? We wish we had an option to give up on these two; we will therefore unite with other like-minded Zimbabweans to fight them.

Together Another Zimbabwe is Possible
PDP Communications

Emmerson MnangagwaPhelekezela Mphoko
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