Funeral parlour touts in scramble for bodies

By Nqobile Tshili

Funeral parlours are allegedly scrambling and touting for bodies at Mpilo Central Hospital, a development that has infuriated residents and hospital authorities.

Funeral services vehicle wait for business at Mpilo hospital yesterday….

The Chronicle news crew yesterday visited the hospital and observed a number of agents scrambling to talk to bereaved families for business.

A nurse who spoke on condition of anonymity said some of the agents also go into hospital wards to check for bodies at any time of the day.

In an interview, the hospital’s clinical director Dr Solwayo Ngwenya said the institution was having a headache dealing with representatives of funeral parlours who have become a public nuisance.

“We don’t condone businesses who clandestinely conduct their operations. They must follow proper channels. We wouldn’t want people to be touting for bodies. Death is sacred and it is unAfrican for individuals to make business on death,” said Dr Ngwenya.

He said the problem of touting for bodies has persisted for some time and the hospital engaged an association representing funeral parlours to no avail.

Dr Ngwenya did not immediately provide the name of the funeral parlours association the hospital engaged.

“It appears this has been going on for some time although it might have not been reported,” he said.

A Bulawayo resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity said: “A relative recently lost a child and as we learnt about his death, these funeral parlour agents were all over us pleading that they can provide the best funeral services. Has society lost its humanity to the extent of taking pride in making money over death? Where is the decency?” The Chronicle

funeral parlourMpilo Central HopitalSolwayo Ngwenya
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