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April 2016

‘Fungisai has every right to be who she wants to be’

By Maxwell Sibanda I have followed singer Fungisai Zvakavapano-Mashavave’s artistic career for years now, from the time she was being produced by fellow singer Elias Musakwa at Ngaavongwe Records. Through the years, her talent has blossomed to superstardom as a gospel singer and she is counted among the finest and consistent singers of that genre. […]

Old Mutual Zim posts $13m profit

Old Mutual Zimbabwe (OMZ) posted a $13,3 million profit for the year to December 31, 2015 from $10,9 million on the back of a strong performance by the group’s life business. Old Mutual Zimbabwe managing director, Jonas Mushosho, told analysts in the capital on Wednesday that group revenue had recorded a six percent growth to […]

Zanu PF MP loses home

The house of Zanu PF MP for Harare East, Terrence Mukupe will today go under the hammer as a local bank seeks to recover its debt.

‘We will die on our feet’

By Blessings Mashaya As Zanu PF’s seemingly-unstoppable succession wars continue to escalate, the party faction loyal to embattled Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa is intensifying its fight-back programmes nationally, targeting all perceived supporters of First Lady Grace Mugabe and her Generation 40 (G40) allies. Well-placed Zanu PF sources who spoke to the Daily News yesterday said […]

Bring Back our $15 billion – Welshman Ncube

By Professor Welshman Ncube During the tenure of the Inclusive Government of February 2009 to July 2013, President Robert Mugabe was repeatedly informed on the high-level shenanigans that were part of a stealth and deliberate conspiracy to rob Zimbabweans of their natural endowments in diamonds at Chiadzwa. In fact, the then Minister of Finance, Tendai […]

Chefs plunder Chiadzwa diamonds

By Kenneth Matimaire MUTARE — Closed Chiadzwa diamond mining firms are alleged to have been operating mafia-like syndicates to deprive Treasury of billions of greenbacks in potential revenue with the aid of influential politicians in government. Impeccable sources revealed this week that the diamond miners were feeding parallel foreign markets in Asia with top gems […]

Macheso ‘Thank You’ gig on cards

Buoyed by the success of his latest album “Tsoka Dzerwendo”, which reportedly sold 100 000 copies on the first day of release, Alick Macheso feels there is need to thank loyal fans. The sungura ace, who ended a four-year album drought, has lined up a series of ‘Thank You’ gigs countrywide as he gets up […]

High Court rules Edzai offside… Fidza says ‘he is finished’

ZIFA president Philip Chiyangwa yesterday said Edzai Kasinauyo’s fate has now been sealed after the High Court ruled that his application, to have his suspension from the Association’s leadership, was not urgent. The former Zimbabwe international has already been expelled from the ZIFA Board for taking the Association to Court which the football controlling body […]

Schools in ‘child levy’ scandal – 500 000 pupils pay up in Manicaland

By Abigail Mawonde Some schools in Manicaland Province have been charging parents a “child levy” without the knowledge and blessing of Government while in other provinces children of members of School Development Committees are not paying school fees. Information gathered by The Herald indicates that half a million pupils have been paying the “child levy’’ […]

AFM seeks leadership change

By Freeman Razemba Some members of the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) last week convened in Gokwe for what they called the “Final Push” as they continue with their fight to remove their president, Dr Asper Madziyire, and his executive. The meeting also intended to strategise on how to take advantage of the impending AFM International […]