Zanu PF MP sued over $12k council bill

By Tendai Kamhungira

HARARE – Zanu PF Chitungwiza South MP Christopher Chigumba has been dragged before the High Court by the Chitungwiza Municipality after he reportedly failed to pay $12 000 in rates and levies.

Christopher Chigumba

Chitungwiza Municipality filed court summons in a bid to force the parliamentarian to pay up the due amount, accumulated at his businesses that are located in the dormitory town.

Chigumba is the owner of stand number 3051 St Mary’s Huruyadzo shops in Chitungwiza.

“The plaintiff (Chitungwiza Municipality) is entitled to collect rates and levies such as water, refuse collection, lighting inter alia, in accordance with the Urban Council’s Act,” the council argued in its court papers.

“The defendant (Chigumba), being a user of the plaintiff’s services, is obliged to pay for the services so provided by plaintiff.”

According to court papers, by June 30 last year, Chigumba owed the Chitungwiza Municipality $12 981,60.

“Despite demand, the defendant has refused and or neglected to pay the amount and it is therefore just and equitable if defendant is ordered to pay the same.

“In the circumstances, the plaintiff’s claim is for payment of the sum of $12 981, payment of interest at the prescribed rate of interest reckoned from the date of summons to date of full and final payment (and) cost of suit.” Daily News

Christopher Chigumba
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