Wife dumps cheating husband using giant billboard on roadside

By Nick Reilly | Yahoo News

Hell hath no fury like a wife scorned, it seems.

This was the scene Wednesday morning as a woman dumped her love rat husband by announcing it on a huge roadside sign.

The wife, known only as Lisa, forked out hundreds of pounds for the giant 15ft x10ft message – so that husband Paul would see it on the way to work

The wife, known only as Lisa, forked out hundreds of pounds for the giant 15ft x10ft message – so that husband Paul would see it on the way to work.

But thousands of other motorists saw the bold sign too – which was placed alongside the Sheffield Parkway, a major commuter route into the Yorkshire city.

The sign, which was visible for three hours between 6-9am read: ‘To my cheating husband Paul. You deserve each other. When you get home I won’t be there.

‘Enjoy your drive to work! Lisa.

The sign went up around 11pm on Tuesday night by the side of the dual carriageway, which runs off the M1 for five miles into Sheffield.

Posting on Twitter, Samantha Townend wrote: ‘This sign has appeared on the Parkway in Sheffield. Oooops :-)’

Marieb365 added: ‘Saw the sign on the #sheffieldparkway on my way to work! Good for you Lisa!’

Wife Dumps Her Love Rat Husband With Giant Billboard on Roadside

Mark Catterall, from advertising agency Kong Media who sold Lisa the advertising space, described how Lisa had requested the near 19ft billboard.

‘She just wanted it on during rush hour’, he said.

‘The Sheffield Parkway is always jammed as it is the main artery in and out of the city in the morning and the client wanted on while her ex-partner was driving to work.

‘It is the most recognised billboard location in the city, so I wouldn’t like to be the partner scorned by this.

‘I think there will be a few calls made this morning to a few Lisas and Pauls.’

He added: ‘It is the first time I’ve seen a message like this on a digital billboard in the UK. I know it has happened before in the US.

‘But she used the flexibility of a digital billboard and I think it was an interesting idea by the lady.“

‘It’s a professional approach to dumping someone, but we are happy to carry marriage proposals as well’.


Sheffield ParkwaySheffield Parkway billboardWife dumps cheating husbandWife dumps cheating husband using billboardwife dumps hubby using billboard
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