I last had a boyfriend three years ago: New Miss Zimbabwe claims

By Adoration Bizure

HARARE – Newly crowned Miss World Zimbabwe, Annie-Grace Mutambu, has revealed that she last had a boyfriend three years ago.

Annie-Grace Mutambu

The beauty queen also says she is not looking forward to be in a relationship until she finishes her reign.

In an interview with H metro, during her crowning ceremony, Mutambu said:

“Apart from the fact that Miss Zimbabwe Trust requires us not to be in a relationship, personally, I have no intention of dating anyone at the moment.

“I am a career person and for the past three years I have been focusing on my career.

“I last had a boyfriend three years ago and my life has been perfect and I will start considering being in a relationship when I finish my reign.”

The nineteen year old, who replaced Emily Kachote added:

“I got to know about Emily when we were in camp and we became friends but I am excited that I was crowned after she was dethroned. I have no doubt that I will finish my reign.”

Mutambu is expected to represent Zimbabwe at the 65th edition of the Miss world beauty pageant to be held in China in December.

Annie Grace Mutambu
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