Mathias Mhere’s wife speaks out on reported birthday ‘snub’

By Staff Reporter

HARARE – The Mathias Mhere circus continued on Tuesday with his wife Susan Dzinamarira dismissing reports by a Harare tabloid that she had been snubbed during her husband’s birthday party celebration on Sunday.

Mathias Mhere, Gift Mahlupeka and Susan Dzinamarira

It was initially reported that Mhere stunned those who came to his party at Kingstons House when he invited a married woman, identified as Mai Manyere, for his cake cutting while his wife, Susan, remained seated in the crowd.

Many thought Susan should have been in charge of proceedings but she arrived alone and a well-wisher had to help her up the wet stairs to the venue. There was no seat reserved for her in the VIP section and the ushers did not give her priority.

Mhere turned up later on his own and this sparked speculation that their reconciliation might have hit turbulent waters.

Mhere’s wife however insisted that it was her older sister, Shylet Manyere, who helped the singer to cut his birthday cake at the weekend.

“I am the one who communicated to my sister to help with the cake cutting since I was running late and could not be in time for the programme,” she said.

Mhere himself chipped in saying:

“We tried to delay all the proceedings on the day so that my wife would be present, but she was still occupied at work and we were running out of time. As per our culture, my wife decided to assign her elder sister, Mai Manyere, to help with the cake cutting,” Mhere said.

“Mrs Manyere is the one who also participated during the cake cutting at my 26th birthday which coincided with the launch of my second DVD album, Nguva Yenyasha, at Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare,” he said.

It was not clear why Mhere’s wife would have ‘work commitments’ on her husband’s big day.

Early this year Mhere was in the news after it was reported that his friend Gift Mahlupeka was having an affair with his wife Susan. In a bizarre twist Mahlupeka then claimed that the texts messages found on Susan’s phone were actually from Mhere who was trying to frame his wife to cover up for his own scandals.

Gift MahlupekaMathias MhereShylet ManyereSusan Dzinamarira
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