Court victory for Elton Mangoma

By Prosper Dembedza

HARARE – Renewal Team provincial youth leader Believe Tevera had his application for a peace order against former party treasurer-general Elton Steers Mangoma dismissed after he failed to substantiate his allegations in court.

Elton Mangoma (centre)

Harare Civil Court magistrate Ms Audrey Tarugarira dismissed Tevera’s application for lack of merit, saying he failed to substantiate his allegations against Mangoma.

“The complainant failed to corroborate all his allegations against the defendant.

“He failed to bring a medical affidavit to prove that he was attacked by the so-called thugs.

“He failed to bring a single witness to substantiate his allegations therefore, this application for a peace order is hereby dismissed,” she said.

In his opposing affidavit, Mangoma denied ever having an extra-marital affair with Tevera’s wife, Yemurai Maravanyika.

In his notice of opposition, Mangoma accused Tevera of making bald allegations of an extra-marital affair against him.

“I deny that the applicant established that I had an extra-marital affair with his alleged wife. It exists in his imagination. I never had any extra-marital affair with one Yemurai Maravanyika whom he claims to be his wife,” reads part of Mangoma’s notice of opposition.

Mangoma accused Tevera of making false allegations against him for political expediency.

“That is the reason why he wrote what he calls a petition to my political party. He is using the allegations as a red herring. Its unheard of that a cuckold would seek political solution to the infidelity of his wife.”

Mangoma said he never shouted at Tevera as alleged.

“He conveniently does not mention that he attacked me and I collapsed against the glass which injured me. I was rushed to Corporate 24 hospital to be medically attended to. I was sutured on my head, I had six stitches sutured. My wounds were dressed and bandaged,” reads the notice of opposition.

Mangoma denied instructing anyone to assault Tevera.

In his application through his lawyer Mr Tawanda Takaindisa, Tevera said he was now living in fear of Mangoma after some anonymous people called and threatened him with unspecified action.

“On or around May 9 this year I established that Mangoma was having an extra-marital affair with my wife, (Miss) Yemurai Maravanyika,” read the affidavit.

“And, the two had become love-birds hence causing serious marital problems and even affecting the welfare of our innocent year-old son as (Mr) Mangoma is having quality time with my wife.

“He is having an extra-marital affair with “his daughter” in age — my wife. I also want it to be clear with the court that when I went to the MDC Renewal offices on May 26, (Mr) Mangoma was there. All of a sudden he started shouting on top of his voice, pushed me, yet my crime was to seek justice through an inquiry why he is prejudicing my family having moonlight if not Romeo and Juliet romance.”

Furthermore, Mr Tevera said Mr Mangoma shouted abusive language and unprintable words.

“He went on to instruct a group of visibly drunk and bellicose hooligans to manhandle me, but I had no option than run for my life. However, luck did not go on my way as I was caught and thoroughly bashed by Mangoma thugs,” reads the application. The Herald

Believe TeveraElton MangomaYemurai Maravanyika
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