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June 2, 2015

Mugabe never trusted ex-Zipra guerillas — Sibanda

Firebrand former war veterans leader Jabulani Sibanda was last year expelled from Zanu PF alongside ex-vice president Joice Mujuru, party cadres like ex-spokesperson Rugare Gumbo, former Presidential Affairs minister Didymus Mutasa, among a host of others.

Meet the woman who embarrassed Mugabe in Nigeria

Meet Sahara TV presenter Adeola Fayehun. She is the hilarious host of the satirical show “Keeping It Real Adeola”. This week she confronted Zimbabwe’s 91-year-old globetrotting president Robert Mugabe during the inauguration ceremony of President Muhammadu Buhari in Abuja, Nigeria.

Mutasa supports MDC poll boycott

Former Presidential Affairs minister Didymus Mutasa has backed opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s decision to boycott the country’s forthcoming by-elections in 14 constituencies, saying participating in such a flawed system was “not in the best interests of democracy”.