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January 2015

Musician Energy Mutodi acquitted

HARARE – Flamboyant businessman and musician Energy Mutodi was yesterday acquitted on allegations of swindling desperate home-seekers of over $588 000 through his National Housing Delivery Trust.

Sekeramayi defends troop deployment

HARARE – Defence minister Sydney Sekeramayi has defended government’s decision to deploy military personnel to Equatorial Guinea saying parliament had no role to play in the circumstances.

South Africa’s plan to fight Boko Haram hazardous

In my last instalment from last week, i highlighted the importance and urgency that the SADC bloc must attach to border security. I also highlighted on the need for the bloc to do away with the individualistic approach when it comes to national matters.

Bananas for school fees

It’s the time of year when the chameleons are h-h-hesitating across the roads; when thin, agile, sports-model snakes slither at break neck speed up the trees and snatch fledgling birds from their nests and when the grass grows lush and thick and soft under your feet.