Police, MDC youths face-off over jobs

By Fungi Kwaramba

HARARE – Tensions ran high on Thursday in Harare’s central business district as police and MDC youths faced off. The standoff caused traffic jams. MDC youths were marking the 1st anniversary since last year’s disputed general elections by demanding 2 million jobs.

Police, MDC youths face-off over jobs

Police brought in water cannons, guns and baton sticks to ward off the militant youths, who were spoiling for a fight.

The youths sang derogatorily, sparing no one, including President Robert Mugabe, as they waved their hands, demanding that the Zanu PF government deliver the 2 million jobs it promised ahead of the elections.

In the run-up to last year’s elections, Zanu PF campaigned on a jobs platform, but the MDC youths claim the party has failed to deliver.

Although Mugabe promised to create 2 million jobs and a $2-trillion economy by 2018, the country is bleeding almost across all sectors — hospitals have no drugs and thousands of children are dropping out of school and the country is faced with de-industrialisation.

Police, MDC youths face-off over jobs

Singing MDC youths decked in the party’s red colours marched in front of the law enforcement agents, who had cordoned off Nelson Madela Avenue on both sides of Harvest House — the MDC headquarters.

Emotions reached fever pitch as the youths tried to break the police guard, albeit with little success, with anti-riot police standing their ground.

MDC president Morgan Tsvangirai, who was supposed to address the ad hoc rally, did not turn up but that did not dampen the festive atmosphere. The youths sang, cried, and danced, attracting the attention of shoppers.

Costa Machingauta, the MDC acting youth president, told the gathering to disregard the baton-wielding police.

“These are our police and we are grateful that they came here to protect us,” Machingauta said. “What we want are jobs for the youths, we want action. Where are the jobs that were promised?”

Speaker after speaker spoke about jobs, with the youths wielding banners demanding jobs. Daily News

MDC “Stolen Election” Demo
MDC youthsmdc youths demo
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