Biti flop – Zanu PF the biggest loser (Part 1)

By Itai Dzamara

The dust starts to settle and the platform becomes clearer for better reflection, assessment and insightful prediction over the MDC leadership saga.

Tendai Biti in Milton Park, Harare

I have no doubt at all that, away from totally manipulated as well as contrived media and publicity hype, the Biti mission, has been, and still is, a joke, a huge farce. The atmosphere and stage is dominated by two deeply-entrenched extreme opposites over and about the MDC saga.

First, there is the plastic of the Biti camp’s noise, posturing and pontificating, which has constructed a huge impression, but which is, for all its worth, largely just an appearance, not reality. That appearance has been created and presented through a widespread media conspiracy, which, l have no doubt, has been rooted in the Biti faction’s bottomless funding trough.

As l assess and analyse l easily identify the players fully involved in the media conspiracy, within the industry. That will be for another article, but now, suffice to say there are very clear headlines over the past three months which need no questioning over the deliberate mission behind them, of constructing a false impression about the Biti camp.

Just one example, ‘Biti, Mangoma snub Tsvangirai’ was ran more than twice in sections of both state controlled and private media, screaming on crispy newsprint or piercing through the Jonathan Moyo-abused Zimbabwean airwaves behind an aura of authenticity masking the farcical scandal behind the letters and words.

Because, Tendai Biti and Elton Mangoma were staying away from MDC rallies attended by very huge crowds, obviously for apparent fear of reprisals and even attacks by party supporters as the hotch potch of their rebellion was beginning to unfold and still shrouded in mystery, spirited denials and hypocrisy.

Now, it is the height of lunacy and stupidity to suggest, for example, that the absence of the rebels from a rally at Mkoba attended by over 8000 MDC supporters was a ‘snub for Tsvangirai’, by the same camp that would supposedly take over to lead the party and its huge following.

The true story was that Biti and company had already baked themselves into a cul-de-sac that made them have no face nor capacity to stand on the real platform where politics is waged and won, that is within the people. And, therefore, early signs of their mission headed for the rocks.

Yet, the editors and reporters behind the sustained media deception are not all stupid lunatics as embodied in their manipulative headlines, l know it for sure. There have been hidden forces behind all the incestuous affairs, and the major one is Zanu PF.

That brings me to the other extreme, of the realities involved and behind the MDC saga.

The major one is that Zanu PF both created and hijacked the MDC leadership squabble to achieve very clear, decisive and far reaching objectives.

I say it ‘created’ because, it meticulously planted factors and circumstances that added up to the existence of basis upon which the likes of Biti and Mangoma would be compelled to play ball when summoned to do so. By that, l suggest, indeed, that the rebels’ ring leaders have a secret covenant with Zanu PF, and, it’s origins and framework come from the coalition government.

This will be thoroughly articulated in another article but now just to hint that, it is through the secret covenant that Biti ended up being converted into, not only a friend, nor lawyer but very close ally of Gideon Gono, and by extension, Zanu PF.

I say Zanu PF ‘hijacked’ because, in the reality, there developed a sentiment in the MDC for the need of ‘leadership renewal’ from both divides, genuinely, yet also fundamentally differently conceptualised and viewed by the rival camps.

Zanu PF has always waited in the wings for an opportunity, not to effect ‘leadership renewal’ in MDC but, undoubtedly, and understandably for that matter, to destroy its rival or tear it into smithereens. I find some mischievous attempts to deny the interest of Zanu PF in such an obvious mission to be either mere ignorance or hypocrisy.

However, although the monolith hidden system and the actors from Biti camp as well as other acolytes still can sustain the staging of drama, to sustain the false impression, the plot has, in reality, flopped dismally. I will articulate and demonstrate how, in Part 2.

Elton MangomaItai DzamaraTendai Biti
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