MDC-T policy document can help party win crucial elections

By Tichaona Sibanda

Veteran MDC-T activist Grace Kwinjeh said on Monday that her party has produced one of the best policy documents and it will resonate well with the voters in the forthcoming elections.

Grace Kwinjeh, a veteran MDC-T activist and fearless campaigner

Speaking on SW Radio Africa’s Election Watch program, the former deputy secretary for International Relations urged all party activists to use the document to convince voters to support the MDC-T.

Kwinjeh said the party has set out goals that will help stimulate economic growth.

If the MDC-T wins the next election, the party will inherit an economy suffering from a crisis triggered by bad ZANU PF policies. The MDC-T is hopeful the electorate will remember exactly who created the economic and political mess in the first place.

The document was launched by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai in Harare on Friday. The Premier described it as a good document that offers hope to millions of Zimbabweans who have suffered years of economic hardship.

The 247-page policy document sets out the party’s aims to produce a package of policies that will address the big challenges being faced by the country – economic, infrastructure, social services, rights and security.

‘The document tries to address everything that is wrong in Zimbabwe today. It addresses social services that have declined over time and re-establishes the authenticity of state institutions that were being abused by ZANU PF politicians,’ Kwinjeh said.

She said the legislative oversight of institutions like the CIO and the army was long overdue, adding that it will give an MDC-T government the courage to pursue responsible solutions to social and economic crises through its commitment to fairness and shared responsibility.

The party has been lauded for its keenness to vigorously pursue reforms in the armed forces, institutions that have been used as an armed wing of ZANU PF since independence.

Tendai Biti, the MDC-T secretary-general, told delegates there would changes in the way the military and intelligence operate under an MDC-led government.

‘For the first time, there will be an act of Parliament to regulate the activities of the Central Intelligence Organisation. There will also be a rebranding of the national army,’ Biti said. SW Radio Africa

Grace KwinjehMDCMDC policy conferenceMDC-T
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