Banks’ murder suspect denied bail

A Harare man who is accused of killing businessman Allan Laurence Banks before stashing his body in his car’s boot and making off with US$20 000 was yesterday denied bail at the High Court.

Businessman and Highfield community figure Allan Banks who went missing was later found dead in the boot of his car.

George Francis Lovell (31) of 88 Glenara Avenue, Highlands, and also the owner of Invollata Mining Group, yesterday, through his lawyer Mr David Ngwerume, had applied for bail before Justice Mary Zimba-Dube, who ruled that he was not a suitable candidate for bail.

Mr Beaven Murevanhema from the Attorney General’s Office had argued that Lovell was a flight risk as he had been on the run since July last year and believed to have fled to Zambia, Tanzania and South Africa.

The State says Lovell, who is being charged with murder, was acquaintances and gold dealers with Banks.

It is alleged that on July 1 last year and at around 11am, Banks left his shop, Goodlife Appliances, situated in Rhodesville, intending to meet his brother, Gordon, at an unknown venue.

It is alleged that Banks had a satchel containing US$20 000 and was driving a Toyota Corolla, registration number ABV3685. At around 12pm, Lovell sent his maid to buy cigarettes at Clyde Shopping Centre, which is about two kilometres away, thereby leaving him alone at the house, the court heard.

Upon her return, the maid found a car similar to Banks’ parked adjacent to the study and facing the main gate, it is alleged. It is further alleged that the maid handed over cigarettes to Lovell who got into Banks’ car and headed to an unknown destination.

On July 15, the car was found parked at the corner of Herbert Chitepo Avenue and Mazowe Street with Banks’ body, which was in its early stages of decomposition stashed, in the boot.

On April 8 this year, it is alleged, Lovell was arrested and admitted to killing Banks by striking him with a crowbar on the head. He died on the spot. He allegedly led police officers to the recovery of the crowbar which will be produced in court as an exhibit.

Allan Laurence BanksGeorge Francis Lovell
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