Witness tries to give oath with clenched fist

Report by own correspondent

KAROI – There was drama at the Karoi magistrates court on Tuesday when a witness tried to give an oath using a clenched fist which is the Zanu PF party symbol instead of an open hand.

Headman Redson Chisango stands accused of demeaning Chief Try Manyepa Dandawa in Hurungwe

It took magistrate Obedience Matare’s assurance that witness Obert Chipungu, a diehard former ruling party supporter must not be ashamed of using an open hand in the court of law. The open hand is the party symbol of the Movement for Democratic Change led by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

‘’I am telling you that whatever happens here in the court of law cannot in any way be used by anyone against you. Be free to use your open hand as demanded by the courts as you are under oath and it is procedural and proper.

“The courts are independent of any institution and you are free as whatever is done here remains confined under the law. Anyone who uses it out of the court will be guilty against the same court’’ said Matare.

Court officials including prison officials, members of the gallery broke into laughter as the magistrate could not hide the ‘’open-hand’’. Fifty year old Chipungu later used the open hand under oath.

Zanu PF has been using traditional leaders among them headmen and chiefs to coerce their subjects to vote for it in any elections.

He testified against headman Redson Chisango aged 38 years who is facing Criminal Defamation charges after a local provincial paper The Weekly Mirror published a story that Chisango was living in constant fear due to bullying by Try Manyepa who is Chief Dandawa and also a member of the Senate.

The story titled ‘’Chief terrories defiant headman’’ was published on 21 September 2012 and Dandawa claims that it was demeaning him.

Chisango and Chipungu are fighting over the headman-ship after Dandawa appointed the latter. Chief Joseph Mudzimu appointed Chisango in April 2012 igniting a wrangle that is spilling into the courts.

Newspaper editor Dennis Kagonye and reporter Nhau Mangirazi were quizzed by police over the story and Mangirazi is one of the state witnesses lined up against Chisango. The case was later postponed to 12 February 2013.

Chief DandawaChief Joseph MudzimuDennis KagonyeJoseph MudzimuKaroi Magistrates CourtNhau MangiraziObert ChipunguRedson ChisangoTry Manyepa
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