Mujuru claims Mugabe anointed by God at 10

By Lance Guma [twitter-follow username=”lanceguma” scheme=”dark”]

Vice President Joice Mujuru stunned villagers in Mhondoro with a wild claim that President Robert Mugabe was anointed by God to lead Zimbabwe at the age of 10 years and those fighting to replace him are wasting their time.

Vice-President Mujuru, Apostolic Faith Church’s Bishop Mika Mutungamidzwa and Media, Information and Publicity Minister Cde Webster Shamu share a lighter moment at the official opening of an AFC church building in Mhondoro yesterday

Next month a frail Mugabe turns 89 and Mrs Mujuru one of the favourites to succeed him did her chances no harm by appearing to bootlick the octogenarian during the official opening of an Apostolic Faith Church building on Saturday.

“People are wasting their time by opposing President Mugabe. It was prophesied way back in 1934, when he was only 10 years old, that he was going to lead this country. How can a normal person challenge such a leader?” she said.

“There is nothing wrong in people having ambitions and discussing political issues with their wives. They should not, however, tamper with the presidency; it is sacrosanct. These positions come from God, they do not just come!” Mujuru added.

Mai Mujuru also said “We need to follow the exemplary leadership of President Mugabe. Why should we fight and kill each other? If you do that in the name of a political party, bear in mind that avenging spirits will not come to any party, but to your family and you as an individual.

This despite Mugabe’s regime being responsible for the brutal murder of over 20 000 innocent civilians in the Matabeleland and Midlands Provinces during the 80’s while pursuing a group of about 400 dissidents.

Only a unity deal with the opposition ZAPU stopped what Mugabe himself called ‘a moment of madness’.

In 2005 Mugabe’s regime sanctioned a large scale campaign to forcibly clear so-called slum areas and ‘illegally’ built structures across the country.

According to United Nations (UN) estimates over 700,000 people were affected directly through loss of their homes or livelihoods, while a another 2,4 million were affected indirectly.

In March 2008, MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai and his party beat Mugabe and Zanu PF in the harmonised presidential and parliamentary election. Mugabe’s regime however responded with Operation Mavhotera Papi (Where did you vote) and over 500 people were brutally murdered.

In August 2011 Mujuru’s husband General Solomon Mujuru died in a suspicious farm house fire. Despite repeated requests for his body to be exhumed for a proper post mortem to be conducted the regime has stubbornly resisted fuelling speculation someone with authority was behind his death.

Maybe Vice President Joice Mujuru’s latest speech was intended for another audience, those on the planet Mars, maybe? [twitter-follow username=”nehandaradio” scheme=”dark”]

Joice Mujurusolomon mujuru
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