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February 2011

Nox comes knocking down to earth

South Africa-based urban groover, Enoch “Nox” Guni who recently grabbed headlines for the wrong reasons, seems to have gone back to the basics! He has now refocused and redirected his creative energy on his number one passion- music.

Has the MDC abandoned students in Zimbabwe?

The January 2008 Bi-Annual Congress which saw the election of the Bere-led national executive council had among its resolutions that ZINASU shall support the MDC led by Morgan Tsvangirai in the harmonized elections which were to be held in March of that same year.

Elections not the priority for Zimbabwe

Continued calls by Mugabe and his camp for an early election against counsel urging him to wait until critical reforms are complete mirror the mind of a leader completely out of touch writes Courage Shumba.

MDC-N threaten journalists over party name

The least supported and smaller faction of the MDC led by Professor Welshman Ncube has threatened to sue journalists and media houses who refer to them as MDC-N or MDC-M after party leader Ncube and Mutambara his predecessor.

Johane Masowe church releases dossier on ZPF killings

While attention has centered on how ZANU PF militants target members of the MDC led by Morgan Tsvangirai, SW Radio Africa has been supplied with a dossier compiled by members of the Johane Masowe WeChishanu Apostolic Church, detailing how their members have also been targeted in the last 3 years.

Zimbabwe aviation body the worst in the world

Zimbabwe’s troubled aviation industry received another blow this week when a report, giving their Civil Aviation Authority a customer satisfaction index of 29%, was made public. The Zimbabwe Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAAZ) 29% customer satisfaction index is an all time low and far below the generally accepted worldwide figure of 68%.