Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Ned Nedziwe: Why God gives wealth – Part 8

By Ned Nedziwe

At the start of this series, I had promised that we would discuss seven reasons why God gives wealth. At this stage we have expand this series to ten key reasons. I felt we would be short changing you to not discuss these additional three key reasons. So here goes;

Reason 8 – Assignment

God always pays His bills. If He has given you an assignment, He is sure to also enable you to meet the cost of the assignment. He does this in many varied ways, business, the land He has given you to work, the saints (Philippians 4), miracles etc. He gave Moses an assignment to rescue Israel from Egypt. He miraculously provided for them through 40 years of desert. Somehow through the staff of Moses, miracles were a daily experience.

The might assignments vary. However the fact that God provides remain true. It might be that your assignment is to care for the old, or preach the Gospel or feed the poor or clothe the naked or to partner some minister or ministry or it might be to show generosity or to promote good governance in your area or provide clean water to those without etc.

Either way, I believe God has an assignment for each of us, as He had an assignment for our father Adam. I also believe that He has an assignment for all wealth He has placed in the hands of His people or even the non believer, wherein it is written; “… the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the righteous” (Prov 13:22).

I do not believe He gives wealth just so we can sit on the wealth or just get fatted or waste on your lusts and pleasures (Jam 4:2-3) etc. What assignment has God given the wealth He has placed in your hands?

When Israel left Egypt, they left with much wealth, because a) they found favour in the eyes of the Egyptians b) they were also being paid for the many years of slavery and or unpaid labour that they suffered at the hands of their Egyptian enslavers and c) God had a purpose with the wealth. It had been foretold that they would not leave Egypt empty handed in Ex 3:21-22, Ps 105:37.

These were slaves, leaving enslavement, laden with silver and gold. Clearly after 400 years of slavery, they could be forgiven for the slave mentality. Clear they would not have the correct mindset or understanding of wealth for they had been at the extreme opposite end of the wealth scale for ten generation. Imagine putting a billion dollars into the hands of someone who has lived on the street all their life. You will understand they might injure themselves with the billion dollars!

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The problem is, with all this wealth, there were no shopping malls in the desert! Inevitably they abused the wealth they had been blessed with, using it to make a golden calf. When we do not use something for its intended purpose, abuse is inevitable. This principle was clearly enunciated for this generation by the late Dr. Edwin Louis Cole.

The purpose of the wealth was not to build a golden calf, whatever that golden calf might be. It was to adorn His House when they got into the land of the promise. Even while they were walking the desert, God needed to use that wealth for building the Ark for example. Building His House and His purpose are the reasons why He empowered you and as you do so, He will add more Malachi 3:10-11.

Do not take the wealth He has given you and use it to build whatever golden calf or other idols in your life. Use it for the purpose for which it was given. This is the only way to preserve the wealth. Outside that, as happened in the desert, we will lose everything when we sin with the blessings He has given us.

The ungodly will sin but might be allowed to the wealth, but God will not permit you as a Christian to sin and retain that wealth, you will lose it.

In Exodus 32 (19-25) we read about how they abused the wealth God gave them. They took the gold and made a golden calf, an idol to worship, since Moses had tarried in the mountain with God. They lost that gold.

Aaron’s cop out is classic, Ex 32:24 And I said to them, ‘Whoever has any gold, let them break it off.’ So they gave it to me, and I cast it into the fire , and this calf came out .”

Aaron claims all he did was put the gold into the fire and a calf came out! He has nothing to do with moulding it etc. it simply came out! This sounds like me, when I mess up. This reminds me of a car insurance advert, with a sweet old lady driver who has an encounter with a tree. Her remark talking about the tree was; “… it just jumped in front of me!”

When we fail to or refuse to accept responsibility and accountability or our actions, we inevitably can not find progression. As Adam. We usually blame someone else and rarely take responsibility for our actions and sins. Aaron blamed the people and even blamed the calf itself. Consequently they lost the wealth God had blessed them with Exodus 32:20.

When we don’t apply the wealth to the purpose or assignment God has for it, we lose it.

Philippians 4 is clear that God meets our needs, the needs of life and also the needs consistent with His assignment for you. Your job is to figure out what assignment God has for you and the wealth He has or will place in your hands will follow. That you will live well is secondary, there is a primary purpose. Meet that purpose and He will have reason to place more in your hands, as you prove yourself Luke 16:10.

When you find your assignment, you inevitably find your wealth because your wealth is associated with your assignment and is at the place of your assignment.

KWN is an Apostolic Ministry equipping the Church in matters of business, wealth, giftedness, and leadership.
