Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Bimha demoted as Mnangagwa shakes up Zanu PF politburo in reassignments

HARARE – President Emmerson Mnangagwa, leader of the ruling Zanu-PF party, has announced a reshuffle of key positions within the party’s Politburo.

The changes, effective immediately, have sparked speculation about the future of some senior party members.

The most notable shift sees Mike Bimha, who previously held the Secretary for Commissariat position, arguably the one of the most powerful positions in the party, remain a member of the Politburo but without a designated portfolio.

This move is being interpreted by some analysts as a demotion for Bimha, whose previous role held significant influence within the party structure.

The reasons behind Bimha’s demotion are not yet clear. Zanu-PF has not issued any official statement regarding the rationale behind the reshuffle.

Munyaradzi Machacha, previously Principal of the Chitepo School of Ideology, has been appointed Secretary for Commissariat.

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Former Secretary for Legal Affairs, Patrick Chinamasa, returned to manage the party’s finances as Treasurer General.

Chinamasa previously held the position before being reassigned in a prior reshuffle.

Jacob Mudenda, who is the Speaker of Parliament, takes Chinamasa’s previous role, overseeing legal matters for Zanu-PF.

The latest changes come amidst ongoing speculation about factional divisions within Zanu-PF.

The ongoing factional battles in Zimbabwe surround the speculation that Mnangagwa is reportedly planning to extend his term of office beyond 2028, sparking concerns among political opponents within the party.

According to reports, Mnangagwa intends to use his ruling party’s majority in Parliament to push through constitutional amendments that would allow him to remain in power beyond the current two-term limit.

The plan has already sparked outrage among his rivals in Zanu-PF, with the biggest resistance coming from his deputy Constantino Chiwenga, who is reportedly vowing to thwart any attempts to subvert the constitution and undermine the democratic process.
