Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Zimbabwe’s Minister of Mines invited to China Gold Congress and Expo 2024

HARARE – Winston Chitando, Minister of Mines and Mining Development in Zimbabwe, has been invited to attend the 4th China Gold Congress and Expo, taking place July 26-28, 2024, at the National Convention Center in Shanghai.

The invitation, extended on behalf of the China Gold Association and the World Gold Council, highlights the event’s focus on the entire gold industry value chain, including exploration, mining technology, jewelry and consumer trends, and financial investment.

This prestigious industry gathering is expected to draw over 2,000 delegates and industry leaders, alongside 100 exhibitors from 20 countries. The event aims to be a premier platform for international cooperation within the Chinese gold industry.

Held for the first time in Shanghai, China’s economic hub, the Congress will center around the theme “Innovation-Driven, Green Development, and Shared Future.”

Discussions will delve into critical topics like sustainable mining practices, resource efficiency, safety protocols, technological advancements, environmental considerations in gold production, and the global gold market’s future.

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“Following the successful previous three events, the fourth China Gold Congress and Expo will be held for the first time in Shanghai, the economic center of China.

“The Congress. with the theme of ‘Innovation-Driven, Green Development, and Shared Future’, will conduct in-depth discussions on hot and forward-looking topics such as green mining construction, resource-intensive utilization, safety production governance, intelligent application, gold ESG, implementation of the ‘dual carbon’ strategy, research and consumption upgrading of new gold products, and global gold market co-construction, in order to jointly explore the path of green and healthy development of the global gold industry and gold market,

“We sincerely invite you to attend and present at the conference to strengthen cooperation between Zimbabwe and China in the gold sector,” reads part of the invitation letter.

The invitation extends not only to Chitando but also to Zimbabwe’s gold industry stakeholders, encouraging their participation for technical exchange and potential investment opportunities.

“We would also like to extend this invitation to Zimbabwe’s gold industry players to participate in the event for technical exchange and investment cooperation.”
